National Board of Education (NBE) has postponed the NEET MDS 2023 exam date. According to the revised schedule the examination will be conducted on March 1, 2023.
Previously, the NEET MDS examination was scheduled to be held on January 8, 2023.
“Pursuant to the approval of the Dental Council of India vide its letter No DCI/Admissions/Admsn/NEETPG/MDS/015/ 2022-23/ 5433 dated 25.08.2022, NBEMS announced that NEET-MDS 2023 shall be tentatively held on 8th January2023”, reads the notification.
It further added, “Accordingly, in supersession of the schedule for conduct of NEET-MDS 2023 as notified vide NBEMS notice dated 16.09.2022, it has been decided to re-schedule the conduct of NEET-MDS 2023 now on 1st March 2023”.
NBE has also postponed the FMGE December 2022 exam to January 2023.